روش شناسی پژوهش در علوم انسانی، سال چهارم، شماره اول، پیاپی 7، بهار و تابستان 1392، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 


    Research in the Educational System of Hawza (Seminary): Obstacles and Solutions

    Seyfullah Fazlullahi Qomashi / Assistant professor of Qom University            fazlollahigh@yahoo.com

    Mansooreh Maleki Tavana / Teacher of sciences, Qom educational district, zone 2malakitavana_m@yahoo.com

    Received: 2013-6-9 – Accepted: 2013-10-19                                 


    The present paper seeks to probe into the obstacles to research in the educational system of Hawza (seminary) and set the priority in overcoming them in light of the views of level -three and level-four students of Qom Seminary. A survey-descriptive method was used in this research whose statistical population includes level -three and level-four students of Qom Seminary, among whom 260 were randomly selected as statistical sample group. Descriptive methods as well as inferential statistics at the level of one-group Z test and one way ANOWA of "F" were used to analyze the data. The obtained results show that the factors related to the policy-making of research, cultural, personal (technical and professional), bureaucratic-structural system and also the way of providing research and motivational services have preventive a role, respectively, and that the difference between different factors studied in this research regarding the degree of prevention intensity is significant. Providing a mechanism for promoting the published works, revising the evaluation procedure of research activities, increasing the number of professional and educational periodicals and developing scientific and practical skills in the field of research respectively are considered as the most important and prior solutions.

    Key words: research, preventing factors, educational system of Qom Seminary, solutions.

    The Methods of Analyzing Interview Data

    Sadiqah Karimi / PhD of curriculum planning, Isfahan University . skarimi929@gmail.com

    Ahmad Reza Nasr / Professor of Isfahan University

    Received: 2012-4-24 - Accepted: 2012-9-5


    In the field of research, researchers make use of interview in their survey and qualitative research when they want to study individuals' views. Doing an interview to achieve the results with appropriate reliability requires acquaintance with the methods of conducting it skill of analyzing obtained data. The present paper sheds light on the methods of analyzing interview data including qualitative analysis, structural analysis and interpretive analysis. In qualitative analysis, the written text of interviews is codified, enumerated and then analyzed by using statistical methods. In structural analysis, the written text of interview is numerated and analyzed in terms of number of words, terms and concepts and their frequency. In interpretive analysis, the researcher tries to disclose the hidden messages of the written text of interview and develop a previously-determined theory or propose a grounded theory accordingly.

    Key words: interview, analysis, explication, data, quantitative, structure, interpretation.

    The Philosophical Foundations the Realization and Reviewing the Relationship of Ontology and Epistemology of Interpretive, Critical and Scientific Paradigms on the basis of  the Methods Used in These Paradigms

    Mohammad Amin Qahramani / PhD student of management of human resources, Khwarizmi University of Tehran

    Bizhan 'Abdullahi / Assistant professor and dean of educational management department, Khwarizmi University of Tehran 

    Received: 2013-9-13 - Accepted: 2014-1-13



    The present paper investigates the relationship between philosophical foundations of the three main paradigms of research: interpretive, scientific and critical. It mainly seeks to study the interrelationship between the epistemology, ontology and methodology of these three paradigms. It also sheds lights on some basic research hypotheses. The nature of science and methods of discovering it is a mental matter. Considering the issues discussed in this paper, scientific paradigm seeks for generalization, interpretive paradigm seeks for understanding and critical paradigm seeks for liberation. Understanding the philosophical hypotheses which are the cornerstone of each of these paradigms, the way these hypotheses are manifested in methodology and the methods used in research contributes to our understanding of the research in question and achieving better reanalysis and application. 

    Key words: critical paradigm, epistemology, interpretive paradigm, ontology, positivism, scientific paradigm.

    Generalizability and Its Challenges in Qualitative Research

    Mohammad Taqi Iman / professor of sociology, Shiraz University.      iman@shirazu.ac.ir

    Esfandiar Qaffarinasab / Assistant professor of sociology, Shiraz University.
    ghafari.na @Gmail.com

    Received: 2012-11-18 - Accepted: 2012-3-5     


    Empirical research contains generalizability, but generalizability is not merely restricted to statistical generalizations; rather, it is the final step in the process of qualitative and quantitative research. There are different views about the kind and way of generalizability in qualitative research. One of the approaches of generalizability is naturalistic approach in which generalization is made on the basis of similarity. Another kind of generalizability is communicative generalizability. In this case, the question is who decides that the research findings can be generalized. The other kind of generalizability is balanced generalizability which is used as distinct from absolute generalization and Williams holds that this kind of generalization is mostly made in qualitative research. Therefore, it can be said that this kind of generalizability is inevitable. According to balanced generalizability, what is regarded true in certain place or time is true in another time and another place, as well. This kind of generalizability is not intended to generalize sociological propositions to a long period or other cultures; rather, the researcher makes inference on the basis of specific existing cases to understand the features of larger society.

    Key words: generalizability, research, analyzability, relation.

    The Methodological Principles of Comparative Philosophy in Henry Corbin's View

    Jawad 'Abedini / P.hd Student IKI                                   Nashrieh@qabas.net

    Received: 2013-7-17 - Accepted: 2013-11-26


    The first step towards the effectiveness and efficiency of any research is to recognize the conceptual and affirmative principles, especially their methodological principles. As a newly-developed approach in the field of philosophical research, comparative philosophy has its own methodology which must be discovered and applied in comparative philosophical studies. Henry Corbin's lecture delivered in Tehran University in 1353 'AH' (1974) can be considered as the first serious discussion on comparative philosophy in Iran. Relying on his own view about illuminative philosophy and criticizing historicism, Henry Corbin tries to demonstrate the nature of comparative philosophy and provide an effective and impersonal method for it. Deliberating on the comparative philosophy based on Husserl's philosophical phenomenology, he defines it as the only method for conducting comparative philosophical studies. The present paper, which is mainly based on the aforementioned lecture and on reviewing and criticizing it as far as possible, seeks to elaborate on Corbin's view about the methodology of comparative philosophy by using the principles and teachings of Husserl's phenomenology.

    Key words: comparative philosophy, Henry Corbin, phenomenology, authenticity of history (historicism), intuition of inner-realities.

    Phenomenology of Religion and a Comparison between Its Features and Philosophical Phenomenology

    Ali Mowahhedian 'Attar / Assistant professor of Tehran University          Dr.Movahedian@ut.ac.ir        

    Received: 2013-6-3 - Accepted: 2013-11-9                                          


    "Phenomenology of religion" is one of the approached extensively and applied in the studies on religion. Therefore, it is of great importance for researchers of religion to be acquaintance with the basic features and components of this approach. It may be thought that phenomenology of religion is nothing but applying the approach of philosophical phenomenology in order to have a good understanding of religion. However, the questions that arise here is that whether or not this approach is exactly identical to phenomenology in the philosophical meaning regarding all its features and nature? Whether we should investigate different features and substance, or whether or not any merits and demerits which are considered true of philosophical phenomenology are true of phenomenology of religion? The present paper seeks to make known the components and features of the approach of phenomenology of religion. The research findings are as follows: in addition to bringing out the relationship between these two, some specific and distinctive features and components of phenomenology of religion are identified and explained, and this can contribute to the correct application of the approach to which one cannot help referring in many religious studies.

    Key words: phenomenology, philosophical, religion.

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    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1392) Abstracts. دو فصلنامه روش شناسی پژوهش در علوم انسانی، 4(1)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."Abstracts". دو فصلنامه روش شناسی پژوهش در علوم انسانی، 4، 1، 1392، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1392) 'Abstracts'، دو فصلنامه روش شناسی پژوهش در علوم انسانی، 4(1), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). Abstracts. روش شناسی پژوهش در علوم انسانی، 4, 1392؛ 4(1): -