Article data in English (انگلیسی)
Citation Analysis of Papers in the Quarterly Periodical of Philosophical Knowledge (from number1 to number 30)
Behrooz Homaii*, Raziyeh Soleimani**, Ebrahim Afshar ***
The present research tries to investigate the status of the references of papers in the quarterly periodical entitled "Philosophical Knowledge". The research method is the citation analysis. Excel software has been used to analyze the data. Among 177 investigated papers, 174 have been written, 3 have been translated, 135 have been written by one author, 41 by two authors, and 1 by three authors. The total number of citations of 30 numbers of this periodical was 3846 citations and the average for each paper was 21 citations. According to research findings, among the sources, the books were the most cited source with the frequency of 3432 (%89/23). Arabic citations with the frequency of 1827 (%47/50) were above Persian and Latin references. Among the writers, Molla sadrā, 'Allameh Misbāh Yazdi, 'Allāmeh TabatābaĪ, and Martyr Motahhari were the most cited writers. Furthermore, Al-Shifa', Aṣfār (Journeys), the collected works of Martyr Motahhari, Al-Ishārāt wa Al-Tanbihāt, and the collected works of Sheikh Ishraq's ( Master of Illumination) works were the most cited books. Mr. Mohammad Hussienzadeh, with 15 papers, had the most papers in this periodical.
Key words: citation analysis, philosophical knowledge, citation
The Nature of Historical Critique
Reza Dehghani *
Evaluation and experiment are essential to the development and progress in any science and work of art. Scholars have proposed some principles for criticism according to their own disciplines and have emphasized on their application in scientific critiques. But, is this really the case with historical critique? Is historical critique a scientific and assuring critique? These are the questions which preoccupy the mind of any researcher and historical critic. It must be acknowledged that, the science of history suffers greatly from excessive weakness in the realm of historical critique and its literature is pathological. We are still at the early stages in the realm of criticism, the principles and standards of critique, and the knowledge of its patterns and criteria. Therefore, every research on this matter will cast some light on this harsh and perilous undertaking. The present paper tries to inquire into the historical critique and answer the aforementioned questions. What has been discussed in this paper is not the last and final word; rather they are the researcher's findings, knowledge, and proposals which are hoped to open a new way and cast some light on historical critique.
Key words: the nature and reason of criticism, historical critique, internal and external criticism, patterns and elements.
The Study of the Philosophical Foundations of Action Research (Investigator Teacher)
Ahmad Zandvanian*, Mohsen 'Isavi**, Hassan Ja'fari Ahmadabadi***
According to the "approaches of Schools", all operations in the education are based on a philosophy and result from its principles. Action research is an approach in quantitative inquiries which help teachers and education agents combine research with educational situation enabling them to perform their immediate and direct roles in the educational situation and improvement of education, and make the educational system achieve the ideal point. The present paper tries to study the theoretical and philosophical roots of action research, using a documentary-analytical method. Therefore, taking into consideration the several features, aims, and results of action research (investigator teacher), the article describes three common features and aims which are as follows: considering the criticism of status quo, emphasizing on practice and its combination with theory, and shifting towards the ideal direction. It goes on to argue and compare the philosophical root and position of action research in pragmatism, Marxism, and critical theory of deduction.
Key words: action research, investigator teacher, philosophy, pragmatism, Marxism, critical theory, education.
Discourse Analysis and How to Apply it to Qur'anic Studies
Reza Shokrani*, Mahdi Moti'** , Huda Sadighzadegan***
Nowadays, one of the important principles is how to systematize the studies in different domains of human sciences. In this regard, many scholars have been interested in knowing the Qur'an systematic ally. Linguistics, semiotics, pragmatics, and semantics are among the disciplines that have nowadays had tremendous impact on the systematic understanding the Qur'an, and have opened up new horizons in religious studies.
However, the present research seeks to introduce another method into the domain of Quranic studies and to discuss how to apply it to this domain. This method called discourse analysis or discourse study is somehow a combination of aforementioned disciplines. In fact, this method is resulted from the findings of studies on language by scholars and researchers of several disciplines such as philosophers, psychologists, linguists, anthropologists, etc.
The present paper first investigates the concept of discourse in order to achieve how to apply discourse study to Quranic verses. Then, it makes some remarks on the history and different stages of discourse analysis.
Key words: discourse, discourse study, coherence, socio-cultural structure, context.
An Investigation into the Position of Qualitative Inquiries in the Methodology of Human Sciences
Hussein Khanifar*, Nafiseh Zarvandi**, Jawad Zarvandi***
Nowadays, researchers make a choice of certain research method to investigate the surrounding phenomena. The quantitative approach has been dominant in inquiries of human sciences in recent decades. However, since all phenomena of human sciences, particularly those related to human behavior, cannot be observed through a completely objective method, the researchers have considered and examined quantitative inquiries and have proposed a method called "synthesis method" which is the combination of these two methods. The present paper tries to investigate two research approaches discussed in the methodology of human sciences. In this regard, it discusses and studies some of the problems and difficulties of quantitative inquiries which lead to their failure in researches conducted in human sciences.
Key words: research method, quantitative approach, qualitative approach, human sciences
The Contrast in Epistemological Approaches to Qualitative and Quantitative Inquiry in Human and Natural Sciences; with Emphasis on the Approach of Integrative Epistemology
'Abbas Shekari*, Mohammad Husseinpoor**
The present paper tries to recognize the concept and nature of qualitative and quantitative research, The paper solves the contrasts and explains the ways to avoid this erosive epistemological contrast in the realm of human and natural sciences. It turns out that the theory, paradigm, strategies, and methodology are interwoven and is based on the assumption that human behavior can be studied in terms of social reality and with the help of those methodologies which follow deductive and holistic logic of sciences. The principle that the principles of sciences and their assumptions undergo changes in nature. In the third millennium, the quantitative research, contrary to qualitative research in human and natural sciences, is regarded as a social and cultural necessity which indicates the contrast between these two approaches. This paper proposes an integrative epistemological approach in order to solve this epistemological contrast. This approach has its roots in doctrines of Islam and uses these two qualitative and quantitative approaches of epistemology in the realm of human and natural sciences as complimentary, synergic, and integrative to each other.
Key words: qualitative and quantitative research, human and natural sciences, positivistic and interpretive epistemology, the approach of integrative epistemology
The Moral Outcomes of Confrontation between Naturalism and Anti –Naturalism in Human Sciences
Faramarz Taghiloo*, Ali Adami**
Since their creation, modern human sciences have been pursued as meta-theoretical patterns in the modern European history. Given the criticism leveled at religious, philosophical and metaphysical patterns on existence, man and society, these patterns have cast doubt on the possibilities of there being a transcendent existence concerning man and society, and on the ways of recognizing it such as reason and revelation, as well. These meta-theoretical patterns of modern human sciences range from positivistic naturalism to hermeneutic and postmodern anti-naturalism. Despite their radical differences as to meta-theoretical stands, they are unanimous on the confrontation with metaphysical or transcendental outlook in theoretical and practical realms. It seems that the very doubtful stand on the possibility of there being a transcendent reality about existence, man, and society challenges the patterns of modern human sciences in confronting with universal moral values whose condition of possibility of their realization, generalization, and necessity is presupposed by the fact that there is a transcendent reality.
Key words: human sciences, naturalism, anti-naturalism, transcendent reality, moral values
The Nature of Islamic Human Sciences from Methodological perspective
Mostafa Jamali*
Achieving the Islamic human sciences is of special significance in engineering Islamic civilization. The analysis of "Islamization" of human sciences can be pursued through different approaches. The approach adopted in the present paper is an analysis based on "scientific logic and methodology". Unlike the current standpoints in existing philosophy which consider the role of religion as functioning weakly and unsystematically only in compilation phase, this paper tries to prove the idea that the religion is influential both in the theorization and theory testing phases. Religion influences the formation of Islamic human sciences both through affecting the basic fundamentals of sciences and through providing fundamental postulates taken from religious texts. In theory testing phase, too, to be merely empirical and efficient are not criteria for taking a theory as accurate; rather, efficiency is in alliance with the accuracy criterion of a theory. Therefore, Islamic human sciences must provide the ground for growth and drawing nigh to the Realm of God.
Key words: religion, human sciences, maximal religion, the logic of science creation.
* MA in Library and Information sciences, Tehran University homaei.lib@gmail.com
** MA in Library and Information sciences, Qom University
*** Assistant Professor of Isfahan University Received: 2011/7/31 – Accepted: 2011/9/25
* Assistant Professor of History Department, Tabriz University rdehgani@tabrizu.ac.ir
Received: 2011/2/16 – Accepted: 2011/5/31
* Faculty Member of Yazd University azand2000@yahoo.com
** Faculty Member of Payam –e – Noor University, Uroomiyyeh
*** MA in philosophy of Education Received: 2011/3/1 - Accepted: 2011/4/25
* Faculty Member of Isfahan University shokrani.r@gmail.com
** Faculty Member of Isfahan University
*** MA in Theology, tradition and Quranic sciences course, Isfahan University
Received: 2010/11/8 – Accepted: 2011/4/21
* Associate Professor of Tehran University
** MA in Management, Tehran University nzarvandi@yahoo.com
*** MA in Theolog jzarvandi@yahoo.com
Received: 2011/3/1 – Accepted: 2011/4/21
* Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Kashan University, Email: abbasshekari45@gmail.com
** Assistant Professor of Azad University, Sciences and Research Unit hossinpour6@yahoo.com
Received: 2011/1/2 – Accepted: 2011/3/2
* Assistant Professor of Political Sciences, Tabriz University. taghilou@tabrizu.ac.ir.
** Assistant Professor of Political Sciences, 'Allameh Tabatabaii University, aliadami@yahoo.com
Received: 2011/3/1 – Accepted: 2011/4/25
* Assistant professor of the Academy of Islamic Sciences mo.jamali@gmail.com
Received: 2011/3/8 – Accepted: 2011/4/21
Table of Contents
The Nature of Islamic Human Sciences from Methodological perspective / Mostafa Jamali
The Moral Outcomes of Confrontation between Naturalism and Anti –Naturalism in Human Sciences / Faramarz Taghiloo, Ali Adami
The Contrast in Epistemological Approaches to Qualitative and Quantitative Inquiry in Human and Natural Sciences; with Emphasis on the Approach of Integrative Epistemology / 'Abbas Shekari, Mohammad Husseinpoor
An Investigation into the Position of Qualitative Inquiries in the Methodology of Human Sciences / Hussein Khanifar, Nafiseh Zarvandi, Jawad Zarvandi
Discourse Analysis and How to Apply it to Qur'anic Studies / Reza Shokrani, Mahdi Moti' , Huda Sadighzadegan
The Study of the Philosophical Foundations of Action Research (Investigator Teacher) / Ahmad Zandvanian, Mohsen 'Isavi, Hassan Ja'fari Ahmadabadi
The Nature of Historical Critique / Reza Dehghani
Citation Analysis of Papers in the Quarterly Periodical of Philosophical Knowledge (from number1 to number 30) / Behrooz Homaii, Raziyeh Soleimani, Ebrahim Afshar
In the Name of Allah
Pazhuhesh Vol.3, No.1
An Academic Semiannual on Research Spring & Summer 2011
A Publication by Imam Khomeini Institute for Education and Research
Editor in Chief: Ahmad Husein Sharifi
Editor: Morteza Sanei
Coordinator: mohammad sadegh sajedi
Translation of Abstracts: Language Department of IKI.
Editorial Board:
- Mahmud Rajabi professor IKI
- Dr. Hasan Zarei Matin Associate Professor, Tehran University
- Dr. Abulfazl Sajedi Associate professor IKI
- Dr. Ahmad Husein Sharifi: Associate Assistant Professor IKI
- Dr. Reza Brenjkar: Associate Professor, Tehran University
- Dr. Mohammad Fanai Associate professor IKI
- Dr. Ahmad Vaezi Assistant Professor of Research center of Baqir al-Ulum University
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